" To
enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by
promoting use of library special collections"


Yale University Library Press Release
March 15, 2005
Teagle Foundation Grant Funds Yale to Lead Connecticut Partnership
for Enhancing Liberal Arts Education
The Teagle Foundation has awarded $98,830
for “Strengthening
Liberal Education through Special Collections” to the
Yale Library. Liberal arts colleges and research universities
share the mission of educating their students in the basic
methods of research. All of these institutions grapple with
the challenge of finding stimulating means to engage students
in the research process and to foster an understanding of how
knowledge is constructed from numerous original resources.
The grant from The Teagle Foundation will allow Yale Library
and several Connecticut colleges and universities to form a
partnership that will explore and develop best practices for
successful student learning using Library special collections.
The project will bring together librarians, faculty, curators
and other professionals who will explore current practices
and define the basic challenges of using special and original
The project will be launched
with an initial seminar for participating institutions, followed
by in-depth
small group workshops, concluding
with a final symposium for the entire group. According to Barbara
Shailor, Deputy Provost for the Arts, “At the center
of our project is the proposition that active learning by students
is an optimal product of the nexus between objects and other
scholarly materials and between teaching and the classroom.”
more information about Special Collections at Yale, please
visit: http://www.library.yale.edu/special_collections/
For more information on this project, contact:
Ann Okerson, Principal Investigator
Associate University Librarian, collections and international
Phone: 203-432-1764
Fax: 203-432-8527
Yale University
Sterling Memorial Library
P. O. Box 208240
130 High Street
New Haven, CT 06520-8240
One of Yale’s distinctive strengths is its rich spectrum
of library resources, including more than 11 million volumes,
and information in all media, from ancient papyri to electronic
databases. The Yale University Library is an important international
research library, visited by scholars from all over the world,
and a highly valued partner in teaching and research at the
University. The Library is engaged in numerous ambitious projects
to expand access to its collections. Housed in 22 buildings
including the Sterling Memorial and Beinecke Libraries, it
employs a dynamic and innovative staff of nearly 600. For additional
information on the Yale University Library, including its hours
of service and digitized versions of some of its unique collections,
please visit the Library’s web site at: www.library.yale.edu.