The Teagle Special Collections Project

" To enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by promoting use of library special collections"

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Teagle Interview Report: Norwalk Community College

Norwalk Community College

Norwalk Community College serves Southwest Fairfield County, and has an enrollment of over 6,000 students in fall 2005. The College offers and Honors Program and has a Lifelong Learning Institute.

The TEAGLE Interview

The interview for the TEAGLE project took place on February 2, 2006. The following library staff and faculty participated in the interview:

Linda Lerman, Director of Library Services
Steven Berizzi, History Instructor
Catherine A. Milton, Associate Professor in English

Available local special collections

In addition to the College Archives, the library holds an African American collection which is not (yet) processed and therefore, not accessible to the public.

To create awareness of available historical collections, and promote the use of primary sources in teaching, Linda Lerman has taken the initiative to invite (11) local historical societies to present themselves to the College's faculty on an 'Academic Festival' (April 5, 2006) and has added the web links to the Historical Societies to its Web Resources pages. As a follow up of the Academic Festival, the ambition is to look for ways to process local historical collections to increase access to those collections.

Ms. Lerman also strongly believes in promoting available digitized primary materials in teaching. Many of the classrooms at the College are 'smart classrooms', suitable to show digitized resources. The library website offers links to useful web-resources, among which digital library collections.

Use of primary sources in teaching at the College

Using original materials in teaching would not be common practice at the College, but the librarian Linda Lerman is working hard to create an interest among faculty. In a course she herself taught on the Holocaust, she used a book with representations of (translated) original texts and documents, and it helped students connect to this particular part of history.

Steven Berizzi (a member of the Teagle Steering Committee), who teaches history and political science among other things, would like to start a project that would focus on the history of Fairfield County, including an oral history project. The relationship of NCC with the Lifetime Learners Institute (LLI is a separate entity with a special relationship to NCC. NCC provides space to LLI and access to Library resources) and an Honors Program provide the opportunity to work with highly motivated students. The students would have to do some research and write essays or papers about their findings.

Ms. Milton confirms the important role digital representations could play in a Community College setting: these could be integrated in teaching without asking additional time of students to visit local collections or museums (which would be a challenge).

The added value of using primary sources in teaching

Ms. Milton and Mr. Berizzi agree that students, conducting research using original documents, would be challenged in critical and creative thinking, could start to see themselves as researchers, and learn to 'ask the right questions', skills highly valuable to anyone, in whatever professional or private circumstances.

Assessment of student learning

Linda Lerman is a strong advocate for assessing learning outcomes, and always conducts pre- and post-tests in her courses, which always include an information literacy component.

How can a project like the Teagle Project help? What other areas are future priorities?

The first priority is to provide access to primary sources by processing historical collections. Visibility of collections is a prerequisite for any kind of use of the materials.

For NCC, the value of the Teagle project would lie mostly in comparing aspirations and experiences with other community colleges.


Linda Lerman
Director of Library Services
Norwalk Community College
188 Richards Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Tel. 203-857-7211

Steven Berizzi
History Faculty Coordinator
Norwalk Community College
188 Richards Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854
Tel. 203-857-7363

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