Albertus Magnus College
Albertus Magnus College is a private liberal arts college, founded in 1924
the Dominican Congregation of Saint Mary of the Springs as a women's college
in New Haven. The (now co-ed) college has an enrollment of 500 students in
the traditional day program, and 1900 in adult undergraduate and graduate
programs. The library is located in Rosary Hall, which once housed the whole
The TEAGLE Interview
1. Anne Leeney Panagrossi: Library Director
Available local special collections
The library never actively collected primary sources in its history, but has
a small collection of rare books and some archival collections. All small
special collections that became part of the collection were gifts. One gift
consists of some of the private papers of New Haven's longest serving mayor
Richard C. Lee (1954-1970). These have not been processed yet and are not
available for use. Another private papers' collection consists of private
papers of Samuel Bemis, an American Historian. This collection also has not
been processed. The majority of the Bemis and Richard C. Lee papers reside at
Yale University. The latest addition to the library's special collections is
the 'Virgin Mary Collection', which is housed in a separate room.
The library maintains the College's archives, which are accessible for use
by administration and faculty. These materials sporadically used in classes.
These primary materials are used mainly by instructors from the History
and Political Science Department. Robert Imholt, Professor of History, makes
regular use of the library's collection and he takes his students to the New
Haven Historical Society. As business and non-humanities disciplines have
been emphasized at the college in recent years, the use of primary sources by
students did not grow.
The library does not promote the special collections separately, as
publicity of the library's services as a whole has priority.
How can a project like the Teagle Project help? What other areas are
future priorities?
The Teagle project could help inspire faculty to make use of the rich
collections of primary sources which are geographically very close to the
Albertus Magnus College
Library Director
Anne Leeney-Panagrossi
700 Prospect Street, New Haven CT