" To
enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by
promoting use of library special collections"


High Street
New Britain, CT 06051
(860) 224-3155
Fax: N/A
E-mail: N/A
Patricia C. Watson, Assistant Head of Adult Services
(860-224-3155, ext. 122)
hours: Mon. & Wed. 9am-2 pm, Tue. & Thurs.
2-4 pm. Other hours by appointment.
Access restrictions:
Materials cannot be taken out of the room. Photocopying available at staff discretion.
No refiling or reshelving of material. Visitors are asked to use only one resource
at a time. Pencils only. Burritt collection material usage
is at staff discretion.
Reproduction fees:
In person: 25 cents per page (11 x 17 paper); 10 cents per
page (8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14 paper). By mail: 1-5 copies = 50
cents per page and a $1.00 processing fee. Anything
over 5 copies = 25 cents per page
and a $2.00 processing fee.
Printed bibliographies for genealogical sources are available.
Other information:
Email, phone and written requests for information will be
answered if information is readily available. Extensive research
fees are $10.00 per half hour.
| Obituary requests should have full name, date of death and
town of residence at time of death. | Some
materials (City Directories, New Britain histories) are duplicated
in the Reference Department for use when the Local History
Room is closed. Microfilm of the New Britain Herald (December
1882 – March 1937; July 1947 to the present) is housed
in the Reference Department.
Description: General collections include:
- Histories of New Britain and
other Connecticut towns
- Manufacturer’s Catalogs – Catalogs
of New Britain Manufacturers including Landers, Frary & Clark,
Russell & Erwin,
Stanley, New Britain Machine, North & Judd, P &F Corbin
- Company
histories and clippings of New Britain Manufacturers
- Genealogies
of prominent New Britain families; general genealogical
- City Directories (1869-1992)
- Church histories
- Federal Census on microfilm for Hartford
County (1790-1930)
- Collective Biographies
- Maps
- Municipal records
- Newsletters from local organizations
- Over 9,000 photographs
and slides
- Vertical files contain over 75,000
clippings from area newspapers and are arranged by subject.
The clippings date from the mid-1800’s
to the present. Articles may be photocopied.
Special Collections include:
- Elihu Burritt “The Learned Blacksmith,” including
journals, written works, biographies, papers
- Symonds, Hanna,
Klingberg, Sullivan Scrapbooks (contains local news and
- Rev. John Smalley – speeches
dating from 1767
- High School Yearbooks
- Local Authors
Newspaper collections include:
- New Britain Herald December
1882 – March 1937;
July 1947 to the present (housed in Reference Department)
The following are housed in the Local History Room:
- Editions of the True Citizen 1862 – 1865
- North & South,
New Britain Times May
8, 1858 – Apr
7, 1860
- New Britain Herald, Weekly Edition April
4, 1880 – Dec
31, 1881; Jan 7, 1882 – Dec 29, 1882