The Teagle Special Collections Project

" To enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by promoting use of library special collections"

Participating Institutions

Teagle Foundation Logo

176 Tyler City Road
Orange, CT 06477

Phone: (203) 891-2170
Fax: (203) 891-2190

E-mai: See contacts
Web site:

Contact #1: Laura Hagendoorn, Reference Librarian (203-891-2170,

Contact #2: Meryl Farber, Library Director (203-891-2170,

Access hours: Monday to Thursday, 10 am – 8 pm; Friday, 10 am – 5 pm; Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm. Summer hours: Monday and Thursday, 10am – 8 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 am – 5 pm; Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm.

Access restrictions: Historical collections are housed in locked cabinet and require staff member to access.

Reproduction fees: Photocopies are 15 cents per page.

Other provisions: Personal identification required for access; identification card kept at desk until materials are returned.

Other information: N/A

Collection Description: Local history of Orange, including published histories, cemetery inscriptions, town records, news clippings, and other materials.


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