The Teagle Special Collections Project

" To enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by promoting use of library special collections"

Participating Institutions

Teagle Foundation Logo

40 Munro Place
Winsted, CT 06098

Phone: (860) 379-6043
Fax: (860) 379-3621
E-mail: See contacts
Web site:

Contact #1: Verna Gilson, Genealogy Assistant (860-379-6043,

Contact #2: Mary Lee Bulat, Library Director (860-379-6043)

Access hours: Collections are accessible during the library’s regular hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.); Friday (10:30a.m. to 4:00p.m.); Saturday (10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.)

Genealogy Assistant’s hours are limited to: Wednesday and Thursday (4 to 8p.m.); Saturday (10:00a.m. to 2:00p.m.), except for the last Saturday of the month.

Access restrictions: All resources are for reference use and circulate only with permission of the Genealogy Assistant. Due to the fragile and reference nature of our collection, individuals under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult to enter the Genealogy & Local History Room. Individuals under the age of 18 may not use the computers or microfilm readers in this room.

Reproduction fees: There is a 5-cent charge per page for copies made on the library’s photocopiers, microfilm reader/printers, and computer printers, even if patrons supply their own paper.

Other provisions: In the absence of the Genealogy Assistant, the key to the Genealogy Room is made available to researchers at the library’s circulation desk. Researchers are required to sign-in prior to beginning their research. Our collection contains fragile archival materials and out-of-print volumes, interspersed with new publications. It is expected that researchers will respect our unique collections and handle them with care.

Other information: A comprehensive guide to using the room’s resources is available on-site. Titles are categorized by subject, rather than number. The Genealogy Assistant welcomes postal and email research requests and may be contacted at There is no charge for our research services.

Collection Description: Two rooms house our vast collection. Our resources focus on Winsted and Winchester, the state of Connecticut, and surrounding towns and states. They include brochures, local city directories, Connecticut town history books, family history books, in-state and out-of-state history books, maps (road and fire-insurance maps), newspapers on microfilm, research files (on families, Connecticut towns and local topics), a notebook collection of local history topics (which includes cemetery records, local history, military history, business and industry and local houses), the Barbour Collection of Connecticut Vital Records, books by local authors, compendiums, indexes, DAR and Mayflower collections, genealogy and history magazines, scrapbooks, audio/visual collection, vital records, access to genealogy websites (including, local yearbooks, military history books and resources, early American history books, oral histories (WWII and Flood of 1955), and more.


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