The Teagle Special Collections Project

" To enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by promoting use of library special collections"

Participating Institutions

Teagle Foundation Logo

Brush Hill Road, P.O. Box 8156
New Fairfield, CT 06812
Phone: See contacts
Fax: N/A
E-mail: N/A
Web site: N/A

Contact: Carol Ballard (203-791-1244 - home)

Access hours: Wed. 1:00 pm-4:00 pm or by appointment.

Access restrictions: N/A

Reproduction fees: N/A

Other provisions: N/A

Other information: N/A

Collection Description: Collections include:

  • New Fairfield Land Records: original records from 1867 to 1980. (Earlier land records burned in a fire in October 1867.)
  • New Fairfield Congregational Church records from 1748
  • Local families, genealogy, pictures
  • Large collection of pictures of the town, local people, and local events
  • Maps, including Beers and Soule 1867 map of Fairfield County and others of local interest
  • Artifacts
  • Clothing, including military uniforms
  • New Fairfield-related ledgers, tax records, diaries
  • Books on genealogy and general interest
  • Early one-room schoolhouse, open by appointment


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