The Teagle Special Collections Project

" To enhance undergraduate learning in the liberal arts by promoting use of library special collections"

Participating Institutions

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2901 Dixwell Avenue
Hamden, CT 06518
Phone: (203) 287-2680, ext. 37
E-mail: See contacs.

Contact: Joseph Pepe, Archivist (

Access hours: Tue. 10-12, Thurs. 1-4 (September to June)

Access restrictions: Non-lending library. Archivist must be present at all times.

Reproduction fees: 50 cents per page.

Other provisions: A guide to the collection is on the Hamden Library website.

Other information: This is the only dedicated research library of Hamden’s history in town.

Collection Description: There are over 80 distinct collections, and within each collection, there are hundreds of documents catalogued and preserved for research.

The Library has many texts on state, regional, and local history, government publications, directories of services, and several historical society publications.

Also, regional and town maps from 1854, gravesite directories, family and personal narratives, bibles, diaries and ledgers from the early families in Hamden are also catalogued in our archives.

Specific collections include:

  • The Mount Carmel Ecclesiastical Society
  • The Sleeping Giant Park Association
  • The Hamden Chamber of Commerce records
  • The Webb Family collection
  • Rachel Hartley files,
  • The Thornton Wilder collection,
  • The Leatherman collection
  • Rectory School records
  • Golden Bells collection
  • Farmington Canal records
  • Hamden Historic Districts collection, and
  • The Hamden Schools and Board of Education records.


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