Do You Have Any Other Questions?
Do you have any other comments?
1. The Film Studies Faculty would very much like to make better use of the Special Collections, especially if that allows us to incorporate primary historical research into our classes. We are not aware, however, of any collections of film historical documents that have much relevence to our work, beyond that held by our Cinema Archives.
2. In question no. 11, I would check both bottom circles, but am not allowed to.
3. To be honest, I don't really know what a Special Collection is.
4. I would be delighted to be able to bring students to other special collections in the area, but the insurance regulations at my university make it difficult to arrange transport to any off campus sites. Also I would not have imagined that my students and I would have been welcomed by other librarians.
5. I also teach graduate students, who are more active in archival work.
6. Why does your question #11 require a choice between information from faculty and information from librarians? Why not both?
7. Not sure special collections are relevant to me, but they might be. I know I used some images of Di Vinci sketches early on in my teaching.
8. I don't know what a special collection is, and I don't consider it to be my job to educate students in computer usage. What they do is important to me, but not how they do it. The definition in your cover letter was not at all clear to me.
9. The answers in 11 are not mutually exclusive. I wanted to tick both the second and third box.
10. I would love to be able to use other collection. One problem that might ensue is transportation. E.g. should we be able to use Yale, how will I get my class to Yale? I would love to have access to Yale or other collections since I would then be able to use the special collections more in my classes-- they are strong on Jewish holdings.
11. No
12. no
13. All efforts to improve service to students is commendable, but at this time I am unable to use special collections.
14. I would like to check both positive responses in question 11 and the survey will not allow me to.
15. I would also like more information from faculty who teach courses similar to mine. I am sure my University would support this and that the use of special collections would be extremely valuable for my students. The extra push of a support group or from librarians who have a vision of how I can use their resources would be extremely useful!
16. Wanted to answer yes to help from both faculty with similar courses AND librarians in #11
17. If NVCC has special collections in the electronic library databases, my students and I will probably use them all the time.
18. I am not certain what is meant by "special collections". Are they manuscripts? Books? Collections of papers? Are they kept in the regular stacks, or elsewhere? I have had my research students use the "English Experience" facsimilies of 16th and 17th-century pamphlets, but I am uncertain whether these 200-odd volumes are "special" in the sense you mean.
19. i find that our library is not a real freindly facility and their attitude is not conducive to going there for a professor -- yes a few preople are excellent and i try to go there wqhence they are there.
20. I checked "librarians" above but i would also like to hear from other faculty who teach similar courses.
21. N/A
22. Not really.
23. not at this moment
24. No
25. No.
26. You never defined "special collections" at the outset of your survey so respondents are going to have differing definitions and your results will reflect that. You also do not have adequate answers for all of your questions (e.g., if you answered "Frequently" to #2, you are not supposed to need to answer #3. Yet, you can't get out of the survey unless you answer it.
27. I have always had the ambition to add looking at original documents -- replicating or doing original research -- in my nineteenth century classes. It's lack of sufficient energy and planning, I suppose. It is, however, an extremely imporant goal for an individual course and for a curriculum as a whole. Emerson provides the model "do not take things at secondhand" (or something close to that).
28. It depends. If I had more time to comb the archives for information on the CC Clark telescope and if the archivist could help with that project that would be great. Otherwise I don't see that the special collections will help with any of the courses that I teach.
29. I only know of a few items in Special Collections that pertain to my field. Marian Shillstone has been great about informing me about holdings. ---- I do not like the format of this survey. It is making me reply to irrelevant questions before going on to the next screen, which is forcing me to go back, answer questions incorrectly, and spend much longer on this task than promised.
30. no
31. Last spring I brought one of by classes to CC's special collections. We focused on Owen Jones' Grammar of Ornament from 1856 and similar titles in our study of the symmetries of the Alhambra. The students remarked that they enjoyed the day and to repeat it for future classes.
32. I honestly have no idea if there is special collection material that is relevant to the courses I teach. I imagine that maps of the local area could be of some use; I've just never taken the time to find out!
33. Nope
34. Thanks for asking these questions. I hope that it leads to some interesting proposals for my college.
35. Unless special collecitons has prints or original works of art by great artists, I don't foresee using special collections. I'm not interested in using works of art of secondary quality - I'd rather send my class to "special collections" like art museums in NYC
36. No
37. NO
38. no
39. afdasfas